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High performance for Space vacuum applications
We are excited to announce the latest innovation in our AVIM® product family: the Mini AVIM® PSt adapter, designed specifically for high-power…
WeiterlesenIntroducing Ultra-Low Loss Fiber Optic Connectors
DIAMOND SA has set a new benchmark in fiber optic connectivity with the development of its ultra-low loss (ULL) fiber optic connectors. Leveraging…
WeiterlesenAnnouncing the New DIAMOND CMC-8
We are pleased to introduce the DIAMOND CMC-8, our latest innovation in fiber optic connectivity. Designed to meet the demanding needs of today's…
WeiterlesenValidation of the Mini AVIM® APC PM Space Grade Connector
Diamond SA continues its commitment to deliver superior quality and reliability in our products, especially for critical space applications.…
Mini AVIM® ESA Re-Qualification
We are pleased to announce that DIAMOND's Mini AVIM® connector has been re-certified as a qualified space grade connector by the European Space Agency…
WeiterlesenUltra-Low Loss Fiber Optic Connectors
DIAMOND SA is developing a process to manufacture ultra-low loss connectors. This process will utilize our state-of-the art Active Core Alignment…
WeiterlesenThermal Vacuum Chamber for aerospace applications
Due to the ever increasing demand for testing and qualification of fiber optic components in extremely harsh environments specifically for aerospace…
WeiterlesenHearnessing Quantum Technology with Fiber Optics Expertise
At Diamond SA, we have been pioneers in the field of fiber optics for over 40 years. Now, we are taking our expertise to the quantum frontier. Our…
WeiterlesenPush-Pull Circular Connector
Two innovative and well-established companies have collaborated to develop the optical version of the Push-Pull Circular Connector Y-Circ® P Series,…
WeiterlesenSurface mounted outlet DiaOTO
The new DiaOTO fiber optic outlet is constructed with an extremely thin and elegant design. In cooperation with the renowned industrial designer Paolo…
WeiterlesenFiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs
Diamond offers vacuum feedthrough (V-FT) solutions for a large range of optical fiber and adaptors. The V-FT integrates a standard 2.5mm ferrule…
WeiterlesenMaking the Grade
The Diamond AVIM® family of connectors can be used in a wide variety of applications. These connectors provide exceptional resistance to shock and…
WeiterlesenLow-maintenance lensed interconnects
The Challenge
Harsh environment applications require rugged and reliable components able to withstand adverse conditions that standard commercial…
Robust connectors with high-end optical performance
Fiber optics typically offers many advantages over conventional electrical and electronic systems, but often times a harsh environment can make the…
WeiterlesenSuccessful Space Requalification
Diamond is proud to announce that our Mini AVIM® connector has been requalified by the European Space Agency (esa) and confirmed “ESCC Qualification…
WeiterlesenDiamond on Mars
On February 18, 2021, the Perseverance rover landed on Mars. The rover’s main job is to seek signs of ancient life, as well as collect samples of rock…
WeiterlesenEnhanced High Power Fiber Optic Interconnects
Presently, we are enhancing and upgrading our existing series of Power Solution (PS) connectors. In the future, our PS connectors will withstand up to…
WeiterlesenConfigure Your Custom Harsh Environment Interconnect
The modular DM4 multipurpose insert allows for configuration of each termini and can be assembled to meet your specifications. The DM4 Insert…
WeiterlesenCompactness And Flexibility Combined In One Interconnect
Diamond introduces the Compact DM4 to further ehnhance our line of reliable and versatile connectors. The Compact DM4 is built around a light and…
WeiterlesenQuality Is Not Happenstance
We can all agree that quality is of the utmost importance when working with fiber optics. In a transmission medium thinner than a human hair, where…
WeiterlesenPolarization Maintaining at Higher Optical Power
The continuous growth within the Photonics industry is amplified by the ever-increasing optical power directly generated by laser emitters. This…
WeiterlesenExpanded Beam Next Generation
The well-known Expanded Beam (X-Beam) connector is proven to be resistant to dirt, water and other harsh conditions. Now, Diamond is proud to…
WeiterlesenYou can count on us
Whether you are facing travel restrictions, cancelled events, or just working from your home office, Diamond is here to support you. We are available…
WeiterlesenE-2000® - Well-Proven and Yet Innovative
The unsurpassed mechanical and optical interfaces of the E-2000® connector family is ideal for most standard applications. The E-2000® connector…
WeiterlesenDiamond's PM measurement method recognized as IEC Standard
The use of polarization maintaining (PM) optical fiber has grown continuously in the last two decades. With the increasing number of applications, the…
WeiterlesenOptical / Electrical OEM Connector Insert
Outdoor and industrial conditions are typically much harsher than those endured by standard commercial connectors and cable assemblies. Harsh…
WeiterlesenCleaning & Inspection
The fast-growing deployment of optical fiber in industrial, avionic, military and transportation applications are leading to the increasing use of…
WeiterlesenMating Adapter for High Power
Today’s high-power pump lasers utilize multimode fibers that typically require a low loss fiber optic connection to ensure ultimate performance.…
WeiterlesenInterlock Interconnect Solutions For Harsh Environments
The DIAMOND HE-2000® fiber optic connector provides reliability and high-performance using an integrated interlock control contact. This feature…
WeiterlesenIn-Field Connector Manufacturing System
Are you looking for a reliable solution that provides fast, easy and high performing in-field optical connector manufacturing and repairing kit?…
WeiterlesenRevolutionary Maintenance-Free Fiber Optic Interconnects
DIAMOND SA is excited to announce our new Expanded Beam (XB) lensed ferrule interconnect series to further strengthen our wide range of existing…
WeiterlesenMiniature interconnect for Harsh Environment
Born out of the Diamond Miniature Interface "DMI", the Micro AVIM® is the smallest package connector delivering state-of-the-art performance in harsh…
WeiterlesenImprove your application by minimizing Insertion Loss (IL)
One of the primary functions of a fiber optic connector is to provide a seamless optical transmission between fibers, including minimal loss and high…
WeiterlesenThe Lensed Revolution
Diamond has been working in both the commercial and the harsh environment sectors for many years and has created a modular product that makes harsh…
WeiterlesenReliable low insertion loss RFoG / RFoF solutions
In RF over Fiber networks, insertion and return losses have a huge impact on the signal-to-noise ratio. Diamond interconnect solutions assure very low…
WeiterlesenDIAMOND fiber optic sensor sub–assemblies: precise and reliable
In the field of fiber optic sensing, connections that provide ultra-low loss, along with immunity to environmental disturbances, will enhance the…
WeiterlesenE-2000® PSm New Mating Adapter
High power pump lasers utilizing multimode fibers require a low loss fiber optic connector to ensure ultimate performance. The newest PSm mating…